Created by America’s FIRST Tax Resolution Firm

Lowest Cost for Achieving an IRS Resolution

Lowest Cost for Achieving an IRS Resolution

With our flat rate, regardless of how much you owe, the cost is the same.

TurboTax-like Software

Easy-to-Use Videos

Our platform walks you through the process, line item by line item, to ensure you fully understand how to answer the IRS’s questions.

Guidance for Every IRS Question Asked

Guidance for Every IRS Question Asked

Our video tutorials explain the answer to every common and uncommon question you’ll have throughout the process.

How do you qualify for tax relief through the IRS’s Currently Not Collectible Zero Pay Plan?

Any taxpayer with IRS tax debt who specifically cannot make monthly payments is eligible. But only TaxClosure guarantees your satisfaction or your money back.1

How It Works

Step One: Purchase TaxClosure’s Platform
Step Two: Walk through the tutorial and answer the IRS’s questions in real time.
Step Three: Breathe a sigh of relief.
tax consultation

Many people qualify for a government-authorized zero-pay-plan and don't know it.

Call to see if you qualify.

It's easy, fast and free!

Customer Reviews


"Mardi Gras is a big business. When I first started it, it was a $100,000 a year industry 65 years ago. But now it's over a billion dollar a year industry involving millions of people. In 2010, after...

Blaine Kern
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Who do you call?

"I ran into my own tax issues, everybody does. I didn't know which way to turn. I didn't know where to go.  Who do you call?  I didn't have enough money to pay those taxes. I sure am not going to...

Jack R.
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The Calls Stopped

"I found that I owe the IRS close to $65,000. It was quite frustrating, very, very frustrating to see all this stuff piling up in my mailbox, you know, after going through a divorce then losing the...

Sophie B.
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Quick and Easy

" I basically did everything wrong with my tax debt to the IRS. TaxClosure showed me that this can be a very simple process with the right expert guidance. Here are some of the keys that I learned...

Scott Zaleski
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More Freedom

"Now that I’ve completed the process with TaxClosure, I have more freedom, and I sleep better at night. The IRS Boogieman isn’t under my bed anymore!"

Olivia T.
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Fear Gone

"The IRS quit calling, they quit sending letters and they released the levies on our accounts. The fear was gone!"

Ava D.
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Don't Wait

"Tried dealing with the IRS on my own and it didn’t work. I used TaxClosure and now I’m $72,000 better off. Don’t wait. This works!"

Emily J.
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Lifted Burden

"TaxClosure has lifted a burden off of me that I never thought would go away."

Benjamin P.
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Problem Went Away

"We used TaxClosure’s methodology and almost overnight the problem went away."

Ethan M.
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Resolve Your IRS Tax Issues Today* (Literally)

Step One: Purchase TaxClosure’s Platform
Step Two: Walk through the tutorial and answer the IRS’s questions in real time.
Step Three: Breathe a sigh of relief.