“Instead of spending thousands on legal representation without any guarantee of resolution, TaxClosure provides a thorough step-by-step method for resolving your tax debt in as little as one day.”

How It Works

Step One: Purchase TaxClosure’s Platform
Step Two: Walk through the tutorial and answer the IRS’s questions in real time.
Step Three: Breathe a sigh of relief.

Our Values

Customer Commitment - We guarantee your satisfaction or your money back.
Customer Commitment - We guarantee your satisfaction or your money back.
Integrity - We charge flat rates with no commissions because that's the right thing to do.
Integrity - We charge flat rates with no commissions because that's the right thing to do.
Making a Difference - We help our Customer's get back their financial lives
Making a Difference - We help you get your life back financially, mentally, and emotionally.
Deliver Value - We supply accurate and meaningful information to our Customers
Deliver Value - We supply you with accurate and meaningful information to resolve your tax debt.
Teamwork - We work as a Team to support our Customers
Teamwork - We work as a team to support you with our 40+ years of experience.

Our History


Law office of Charles T. Almond established in Atlanta, Georgia.


Law office of Charles T. Almond transitioned to Taxpayers Clinic. Inc. and operated in all 50 states.


TaxClosure (Beta), an IRS debt resolution platform, was tested.


TPC America was formed, adding a robust R&D Division.

2017 launched and its incredible success led to a pause on TaxClosure. 

2022 - 2024

TaxClosure's platform was completely reimagined and redesigned from scratch. In a time of financial unrest, TaxClosure is a life-changing platform for individuals, families, and businesses throughout the nation.

Resolve Your IRS Tax Issues Today (Literally*)

Step One: Purchase TaxClosure’s Platform
Step Two: Walk through the tutorial and answer the IRS’s questions in real time.
Step Three: Breathe a sigh of relief.